My final word about GOD

I received unsolicited private text messages complaining that I did not mention the word GOD in my last blog post which described my recent medical setback. It was a conscious choice on my part because I do not want to get into a heated debate about religion or politics. My relationship with GOD or my “HigherPower” is a private one which I am aware of each and every moment. I am eternally grateful for all the well-wishes I have received. They have helped me immensely and I am grateful for all the genuine concern and prayers for my well-being.  

For those of you who do not actually know me, I ask that if you don't have something nice and supportive to say to me, please don't say it . . . At least, not unsolicited in my private inbox. I am focusing on the gift of life I've had the pleasure to enjoy for a little longer than I might have thought one week ago lying in the hospital. 

Let me share with you some words of a very wise man which I totally can relate to and believe in, from Hazrat Inayat Khan:

“Music is called a divine or celestial art, not only because of its use in religion and devotion, and because it is in itself a universal religion, but because of its fineness in comparison with all other arts and sciences.”  

“All religions have taught that the origin of the whole of creation is sound”.  

“What art cannot express, poetry explains; what poetry cannot express, is expressed by music. Therefore to a thinker music in all ages will stand supreme as the highest expression of what is deepest in oneself...”;
“ the East... music has always been taken to be a part of religion...” 

“No part of the world, East or West, can really deny the divinity of music. In the first place, music is the language of the soul; and for two people of different nations or races to unite there is no better means than music. For music not only unites man to man, but man to God”.

I am a musician. My music speaks for itself. Learn it, do it, share it.

Greg Chako, Fri Mar 22nd, Blog #13 from “What's on my Mind?”